FVCOM End User License Agreement
University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth

The Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model (“FVCOM”) source code has been developed in the Marine Ecosystem Dynamics Modeling Laboratory led by Dr. C. Chen at the University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth (UMASS-D) in collaboration with Dr. R. Beardsley at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. All copyrights to the FVCOM code are reserved. Unauthorized reproduction and redistribution of this code are expressly prohibited except as allowed in this License.

A. Permitted Use and Restrictions on Redistribution
The user agrees that he/she will use the FVCOM source code, and any modifications to the FVCOM source code that the user may create, solely for internal, non-commercial purposes and shall not distribute or transfer the FVCOM source code or modifications to it to any person or third parties not participating in their primary research project without prior written permission from Dr. Chen. The term "non-commercial," as used in this End User License Agreement, means academic or other scholarly research which (a) is not undertaken for profit, or (b) is not intended to produce work, services, or data for commercial use.

B. Mandatory Participation in the FVCOM Community
The user agrees to openly participate in the FVCOM community through three primary mechanisms. These are (a) reporting code bugs and problems, (b) sharing major modifications made to the code, and (c) contributing to an open and ongoing discussion of model deficiencies, needed improvements and additions, and major successes. (Contact Drs. C. Chen, G. Cowles, or R. Beardsley). These mechanisms are intended to benefit the entire FVCOM user community through quick notification of code problems, possible solutions, major code improvements, and, in general, the further development of the FVCOM source code and the associated software tools needed to process, visualize and interpret FVCOM model output.

C. FVCOM Validation
The user agrees to inform Dr. Chen about any FVCOM model validation test case conducted by the user before formal publication of the test case results. This step is intended to minimize potential errors in gridding, model setup, boundary conditions and coding that could contribute to poor FVCOM performance in the validation test case. There is no intent here to exercise any prior restraint on publication.

D. Publication of FVCOM Results
The user agrees to acknowledge FVCOM in any publications resulting from the use of the FVCOM source code. The user agrees to use the name “FVCOM” to refer to the model.

I (___agree/___disagree) to the terms of the FVCOM End User License Agreement:

Printed Name:______________________________________

E. Initial Username and Password (Please print)
User email:____________________________ User password:______________________